человек написал на тумблере пост:
"thanks. thank you so, so very much, dreamworks. i know this is what you do to make money, i know that this may not even come from your heart, i know that this may just be a product, an invention, an item for you to sell, but you have no idea how much you’ve made my spirit lift.

i used to talk to the moon a lot, especially when i felt alone. when i felt like there wasn’t anyone who’d listen, she was always there. it’s nice, to be reminded of this little hope, this little bright feeling in my heart, exists. i haven’t spoken to her in a while, haven’t went outside at night just to look at her beauty. maybe i’ll do just that next time she comes out.

i don’t really believe in the legends, the guardians that you’ve portrayed in characters, but i do believe in the feelings, the emotions that they represent. hope, wonder, belief. it’s what i believe you try to make - a physical representation of those feelings one can’t explain, one can’t prove, but one just feels. those moments of happiness, of fear, of trust.

what i’m trying to say is, thank you. you’ve made me happier in my heart, however pathetic it may sound.

it may never reach you, this thing i’m writing, but you have made the child in me come back. i thought i lost her, the imagination i had when i was a child, but it seems that she was only asleep. and i just hope that whoever you are, the dreamworks production team, any part that you may have taken in producing this movie, however small or big or important or not; you have made me believe in myself. you have brought back my imaginations.

thanks to you, dreamworks, and all related figures.

a child brought back.
" (с)

и этому человеку ответил сам Питер Рэмси. на официальном тумблере Дримворкс.
и вот его ответ

я считаю, это прекрасно.
все несогласные пусть молчат.

@темы: странности и интересности, а я однако романтичный малый, хиты моего разума, tumblr это целая вселенная!, You don't want to race a rabbit, mate...